Give Thanks

Afina wants to remind everyone to give thanks and to find silver lining even in the most difficult circumstances.

What are you thankful for this year? It’s been one crazy 2021 (right along with 2020). I’ve endured a lot of harsh circumstances, but I want to concentrate on what’s been good this year:

I’m still alive.

I still got some wind in me.

My mom has been my rock in all this!

My kid is healthy, smart and is in search of his own niche under the Sun.

I still have a couple really good friends who check on me, and I feel their love even from afar.

I still have some leftover wits to work with clients and guide them toward their own healing.

Sometimes I still have the energy to bake, to take pictures and to blog about it.

Sometimes I have some energy to do a light makeup and go grab dinner.

My eyes can still work to read for a bit, and my brain can still learn and absorb some information.

I cry, and bitch, and mourn the way I was, but deep inside I think I still have some hope that I’ll find some balance in my health.

My tastebuds still work (a big problem in Sjogren’s), and I can taste good food.

I’m still in search of new healing modalities to stabilise my health.

When everyone and everything fails, I still have me because no matter how wispy I may look, there’s an unyielding metal rode of my spirit that doesn’t let me break down completely.

And, I’m eternally grateful for the little creature Afina for showing up in my life and showering me with love! 🐶❤️

What is your list of thanks?