Almost Wordless Wednesday – Are We There Yet?

Is it Monday, or is it Sunday? Are we still in February? Is that the sun on my face, or is that the alien ship landing? When are the hair salons going to open? My red hair needs some TLC. I had all these deep thoughts while sitting in my bed this morning. We’re in day 543578085324680 of the pandemic, and time has stopped to mean much these days. That’s besides the point that I’m not a morning person to begin with, like at all! My grandma (may her soul Rest In Peace) used to say that Jesus Christ showed less suffering on his face than me when woken up too early. I agree. Please save me from my morning suffering!


I don’t know who invented mornings but probably some insane people who like to get up at 5 am and go for a run. Morning should not start before noon! I was born around high noon (God knew I’d not be productive before that).


Yes, totally not a fan of waking up, so mornings should go on without me. I contemplated if I should just stay in bed all day today. I’m excellent at anything bedroom related!


But, no, I had to get up and try to save the world.


I hate when people ask me what I’ve been doing these days. What could I possibly be doing?! There’s still not much happening in the city except the looting and protests. I mainly try to stick around home.


Some protests are needed, and then, there are some…



I’m guilty of absolutely everything listed on that sign, but I’m especially guilty of psychology. #devilslittlehelper

So, I’m off to practice just that and instill psychology into innocent souls.
