Not So Wordless Wednesday – Scorpio Revenge


We are deep into Scorpio season and nearing my birthday (the only time when true Scorpios are born).


Scorpios are loyal, mysterious and secretive, so don’t pry into our inner world (shit’s gonna fly out), but if we share our heart desires with you, know that’s it’s pure, and you were bestowed with a precious gift. That means we like you and trust you.

So, be nice! Or else…


By the way, do you suddenly see lots of newborn babies around? Yep, those are baby Scorpios. Do y’all remember what was happening during mid-winter? Let me remind you via my Facebook post from January.


Now you know what your neighbors were doing during your Ice Age period. #Midwestscrewedthemselves with Scorpios invasion.


I was definitely not conceived on Valentine’s Day (too fluffy for a proper Scorpio). I was born two months premature, so it was sometime in April more likely. April 12 is World Silence Day – sounds like a good day for a future Scorpio inception.
Trust a Scorpio when she tells you stories as she’s learned to see the world through her inner vision and be guided by her heart and soul.
