P is for Pink




I believe in everything Pink, as it’s not just the color, it’s an attitude!

I believe in girls who wear Pink and can kick your butt!

I believe you can put a flirty Pink dress on and still look classy, smart and sophisticated!

I believe that unconditional love is full of soft Pink light and shines through in a constant gentle wave towards others.

I believe that Pink strawberries and cream, if shared in bed with somebody significant, is still a far better dessert than any decadent culinary confection.

I believe a crisp cotton shirt in a pale Pink color will make any man look stylish and attractive.

I believe in bright red lipstick at night and soft Pink lips in the morning.

I believe in Pink diamonds and Pink roses, and a man who’ll take time to learn it, will forever have my heart.







P is for Pink and for making this pink recipe




Chocolate Tartlets with Strawberry Almond Whipped Cream and Berries
